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Keyframe Animation 1.8.3 Serial Number: Learn How to Add Movement to Any Object in Your SketchUp Mod


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transform-origin: 50% 50%; transition: all .25s ease-in 2s;@keyframes svg-container 0% background: #4DAF7C 50% background: #F2784B 100% background:#34495E@keyframes logoGroup-bounceIn 0% transform: translateY(-300px) 50% transform: translateY(150px) 100% transform: translateY(0px)@keyframes bullsHead 0% transform: rotateY(0deg) 100% transform: rotateY(180deg).bullsShadow mix-blend-mode: multiply;.svg width: 100%; /*height: auto;*//* -----------HOVER BUTTON-------------- */.svg-wrapper height: 60px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-100%); width: 320px; cursor: pointer;.shape fill: transparent; stroke-dasharray: 170 540; stroke-dashoffset: -458; stroke-width: 8px; stroke: #ECA400;.text color: #fff; font-family: 'Roboto Condensed'; font-size: 22px; letter-spacing: 8px; line-height: 32px; position: relative; top: -48px; text-align: center;@keyframes draw 0% stroke-dasharray: 140 540; stroke-dashoffset: -474; stroke-width: 8px; 100% stroke-dasharray: 760; stroke-dashoffset: 0; stroke-width: 2px; .svg-wrapper:hover .shape -webkit-animation: 0.5s draw linear forwards; animation: 0.5s draw linear forwards;Loader Page R. 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Keyframe Animation 1.8.3 Serial Number

* Fix: Presence: Manage license button available again.* Fix: Timeline: When jump cues were used on multiple timelines, the shown now pointer times were incorrect. Fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Intermediate color space transfer characteristic was not applied correctly for outputs. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Publish timeline param as pixc leads to disabled play mode combo box in clip inspector.* Fix: Timeline: Scrubbing in locked-to-time clip over free-loop clip led to unexpected behavior of locked-to-time clip. Fixed.* Fix: DMX: Auto transform editor: DMX footprint corrected.* Fix: Timeline: Notch Block on Compositing Layer Was Still Visible after Timeline Stop. Fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera : Problems with set extension rendering fixed.* Fix: Resources: Added missing file type "ac3" for file chooser dialog.* Fix: Resources: Fixed importing various non image sequence files as image sequence.* Fix: Screens: Inspector of Active Screens. Clearing assigned outputs via Clear-Button next to label did not update engine. Outputs were still active. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: LUT-File-Path control did not work correctly. Fixed.* Fix: Control: Parameter values can now be set over Direct API using Control.* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Clips in Free Play Once restarted playback when there were jumps within the clip with finite blend duration. Fixed.* Fix: GUI: Fixed setting resource tree to wrong line height when switching view from "Live" to "Library" tab.* Fix: GUI: Library Tree: When searching in tree all nodes will be opened, view will be reset when search field is empty again.* Fix: Live Input: Problems with live input preview fixed when deactivating all engine outputs or loading new projects.* Fix: GUI: Timeline scrolled when scrolling via mouse wheel in resource library. Fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera: Showing only reprojected background on associated screens in preview fixed.* Fix: Control: Gate accessible to other Pixera Control systems.* Fix: Warping: Problems with Vioso calibration leading to stop of calibration process fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Positioning problems after startup fixed.* Fix: Notch: Timeline opacity does not effect Notch blocks on compositing layer.* Fix: Timeline: Timeline-Scrolling. Nowpointer in combination with "Follow Now Pointer" was drawn at wrong positions. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: Fixed not automatically distributing custom effect when applied to layer.Pixera 1.8.rc7:* Brush: Mapping: Automatic creation of projector to screen mappings can be disabled.* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Mappings can be destroyed or created manually for projectors if automatic mapping creation is disbaled.* Brush: Control: SPnet changed default adapter from localhost to any.* Brush: Engine: Art-Net: Support for Nets added to increase number of adressable universes.* Brush: Engine: Art-Net: Output with 16bit per color channel is now supported.* Brush: API: Direct API: Screen transformation via Direct API now also transform perspective if "Perspectives follow Screen Positions" is enabled for screen group.* Brush: Mapping: Projector library with details in table next to tree.* Brush: Timeline: Adapt layer position, rotation and xy scale to chosen screen.* Brush: Studio Camera: Spatial calibration can set either screen pos or camera pos (with offset to tracking input).* Brush: Unreal: Set launch mode of unreal resources automatically to dash game if uproject file was loaded.* Brush: Unreal: Unreal editor path can be set as initial value.* Fix: Control: Stage precision module now has license information.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Connection output visible for projectors created after drag and drop of output.* Fix: Studio Camera: Do not list preview streams in live input selection.* Fix: GUI: Possible problems with project path opened by double cklicking on file in windows explorer fixed.* Fix: Unreal: Possible lifecycle problems of unreal instance on local node fixed.* Fix: Unreal: NDisplay configuration for set extension on client fixed.* Fix: Project: Project incompatibility fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera: Reprojection of background to LED fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Wrong content scale when nowpointer starts before the clip fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Possible crash fixed when reassigning output.* Fix: Mapping: Unwanted screen feed selection fixed when viewed screen is changed.* Fix: GUI: Fixed setting resource tree to narrow mode affecting table in mapping tree.* Fix: Timeline: Sampler params. Resource filename was still visible after remove of resource. Fixed.* Fix: GUI: Now, right click context menu on timeline snippet is disabled.* Fix: Engine: Possible problems with NDI outputs running out of resources fixed.* Fix: Engine: Problems with 12 bit and alpha channels fixed.* Fix: Engine: Possible crash fixed if video input was not found.Pixera 1.8.rc1:* Feature: Engine: Datapath live input cards are now supported.* Feature: Engine: Liveinput Preview* Feature: Mapping: Node-based input/output routing UI.* Feature: Mapping: Black level correction based on soft edge for projector mappings available.* Feature: Engine: New Unreal Engine texture sharing.* Feature: Control: AdsPixeraIO (Beckhoff) for Digital IO added.* Feature: Control: Added Dmx support to IoCore.* Feature: Control: User management with the Portal module.* Feature: Control: Timeline editor control in UI Builder.* Feature: Control: Remoting: use modules on other sytems (experimental).* Feature: Control: CSS editing for UI Builder display customization.* Feature: Control: Custom controls can be added to UI Builder.* Feature: Control: Multiple pages and per-client navigation in UI Builder.* Feature: Control: Value input to UIB controls from actions (testable with horizontal slider).* Feature: Control: Low level MIDI available.* Feature: Engine: Color correction for outputs.* Feature: Engine: Texture sharing with Unreal Engine.* Feature: Resources: Web browser resource added.* Feature: Resources: Search and Replace Files* Feature: Resource: Mipmapping (higher quality of scaled resources)* Feature: Compositing: Compositing resources for Unreal, Unity and Notch.* Feature: Compositing: UI Layout adjustable* Brush: Calibration: Projector marker calibration can be used to adjust screen transformation.* Brush: DMX: If a invalid resource id is sent, the resource assignment will be reset.* Brush: Control: Code editor shows when action content has been changed and remembers changed content when moving back and forth between actions.* Brush: Control: Inspector for action properties and documentation. * Brush: GUI: Projectors and screens in venue searchable in library tree. Library tree sorted by signature for projectors and screens.* Brush: Resource: DMX id in resource table.* Brush: DMX: Layer playback speed controllable over DMX.* Brush: Projector: Projector visibility in workspace settable.* Brush: Control: Value label indentation (e.g. the point at which the attribute entry field starts) can be set for each action slot.* Brush: Control: Code inspector immediately updated when body is auto-generated for newly-set attribute kind.* Brush: Control: Move selection from action node slot to next action node slot with up/down arrow keys.* Brush: Control: Dispatch table builder accessible from action inspector.* Brush: Resource: Live input resources show audio channel count and sample rate.* Brush: Control: Action copy/paste via Ctrl+C/V.* Brush: Mapping: Black out projector or active screen output.* Brush: Mapping: Assigned outputs can be cleared more easily with single button.* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Pop-Up menu for nodes and nodeslots* Brush: Engine: Deltacast Redist Version 6.18 integrated* Brush: Resource: Possibilty to clear all distribution targets for resources and folders.* Brush: Live Input: Link count settable for Deltacast SDI Live Input.* Brush: Control: Modules can be added to library by dragging files from explorer.* Brush: DMX: Zero or one based indices for all DMX related settings now in initial values.* Brush: Control: Serial protocol can be configured (via Lua code) to use direct callbacks.* Brush: Video Playback: Use hardware decoding for all codec levels.* Brush: Video Playback: More robust recognition of decoding failures.* Brush: Timeline: Rename unnamed cues to cue number via popup menu of cue layer.* Brush: Unreal Plugin: Unreal plugin uses main network adapter as set in in discovery settings.* Brush: Control: More styling options in UI Builder.* Brush: Timeline: Horizontally scroll timeline when nowpointer is dragged to the left/right border.* Brush: Control: Stage Precision module with UI to manage object learning.* Brush: Unreal: Unreal projects can be launched from Pixera inspector (nDisplay launcher and listener no longer needed).* Brush: Timeline: Domination Values: Store and remove other keys via "Click + Alt", "S + Alt", and popup menu.* Brush: Timeline: Clips drag copy. Copies instead of original clips are selected while dragging.* Brush: Color Correction: Unsupported transfer characteristics not displayed in UI anymore.* Brush: Mapping: Visibility of all soft edges can be toggled at once.* Brush: Engine: Very large images can now be displayed with Pixera Mini.* Brush: Control: Style Editor: Font color, size and alignment can be edited. Custom CSS with syntax highlighting and auto completion.* Brush: Control: Font of default theme settable.* Brush: Mapping: Softedge and FFD control point offset always one pixel if using keyboard input.* Brush: Engine: Interpolation of rotation data sent via Direct API improved.* Brush: GUI: Mouse wheel zoom for inner softedge, screen feeds and marker calibration brushed.* Brush: Control: Modules that use the Direct API support intermediate script modules.* Brush: Control: Style Editor: Border editable for individual controls. Background color selectable. Rset improved.* Brush: Control: More debugging information displayed if problem with custom style occures.* Brush: Control: Styles and designs with selectable font.* Brush: Control: Editing of Labels and MonitorLabels with the style editor improved.* Brush: Control: Text of UI Controls can be changed on double click in Edit Mode.* Brush: Timeline: Separate volume parameter for layer.* Brush: Studio Camera: Live input latency added.* Brush: Resource: AC3 format accepted (no waverform displayed in timeline).* Brush: Studio Camera: Set extension color correction is now applied correctly.* Brush: API: Virtual world launch support added to API.* Brush: Engine: Allow to select GPU affinity None.* Brush: Engine: Additional dynamic softedge parameters available.* Brush: Dialogs: Keyboard navigation and focus handling in dialogs made more consistent.* Brush: Color Correction: More color correction options.* Brush: Control: Make use of CSS Variables for better styling in UI Builder custom themes.* Brush: Control: Implemented Ctrl + A for selecting all controls in UI Builder.* Brush: Control: Added zoom and loop icons for resource browser in UI Builder.* Brush: Control: Pasting an element in UI Builder multiple times changes its position.* Brush: Control: Z-Index of Controls can now be edited throgh the buttons "Send to Back", "Send Backward", "Bring Forward", "Bring to Front".* Brush: Control: New color modes "Restore Default" and "Transparent" added to color picker in UI Builder.* Brush: API: Text resource measurement functions added.* Brush: Timeline: Selection. Select all cues and clips via Timeline Popup Menu.* Brush: Timeline: Duplicate Layer. Dominant resources conserved on duplicated layer.* Brush: Engine: Bind swap barrier' can be enabled for outputs.* Brush: Engine: Unreal: Textures streamed to Unreal use linear transfer characteristics.* Brush: Settings: Save also settings when project was saved by user.* Brush: Workspace: Button for opening/closing notifications, clicking on notification in maximized state will trigger on click function if set.* Brush: Engine: 6/12g sdi video input.* Brush: Workspace: Global shortcut "F4" to toggle selection mode.* Brush: Timeline: Clips. Remove all keys via context menu.* Brush: Timeline: Clips. "Size to Resource Duration" executed for all selected clips* Brush: Engine: Unreal Engine: Depth buffer sharing implemented.* Brush: Engine: Unreal Engine: Additional sync options available.* Brush: Workspace: Global shortcut "F4" to toggle selection mode.* Brush: API: Lens distortion parameters settable via Direct API.* Brush: Control: Inter-host device transfer includes auxiliary directories.* Brush: Control: UI removal cleans auxiliary html_root.* Brush: Engine: More GPU sync options settable.* Brush: Devices: Screen and LED databases updated.* Brush: API: Added function "blendToTimeWithTransportMode(.)".* Brush: Control: Rectangle control added to UI Builder.* Brush: Devices: Screen and LED databases updated.* Brush: Engine: More GPU sync options settable.* Brush: Studio Camera: Set extension with soft border mask.* Brush: Engine: CEF: Frameblending added to avoid jumps.* Brush: Engine: Unreal: Projection matrix is checked to avoid errors in Unreal project.* Brush: Resources: Web resource performance improved. Texture sharing mechanism settable.* Brush: Live Input: Live Inputs show resolution and fps in inspector.* Brush: Engine: Video deinterlacing implemented.* Brush: Engine: Lost live inputs are restarted automatically.* Brush: Engine: Embedded audio stream from HDMI input usable.* Brush: API: Change video stream active state from api.* Brush: Audio: Add AudioPort if max channel count in settings is larger than AudioPort count in project.* Brush: Timeline: Compositing layer: More range for origin position.* Brush: Mapping: Output color transformation with LUT files (*.cube).* Brush: Resources: Resource color transformation with LUT files (*.cube).* Brush: Unreal: Color temperature for lights.* Brush: Timeline: Fade to Time: New mode "Dip to Black".* Brush: GUI: Timeline Inspector. Fx tab loaded with added FXs.* Brush: Unreal: Multiple connections to Unreal plug in.* Brush: GUI: Multiple timeline inspector brsuhes.* Brush: Control: Connections: Connection table with overview of all connections can be launched from module pane. Double-click on an entry to center its slot.* Brush: Control: UI Builder: Pages have CSS style and classes settings now. You can directly assign a style to a page without touching a CSS File.* Brush: Control: UI Builder: "Can Be Toggled" property for button added.* Brush: Control: Scripting: Automatic connections: Exceptions will not be forwarded on automatic connections (CallRefs that are not called by LUA itself).* Brush: Timeline: Loaded timeline selectable in timeline above layer structure.* Brush: Timeline: Duplicate timeline added.* Brush: Services: Identify outputs without assigning them to ptojectors or screens.* Brush: Mapping: FFD modifier control points can be displayed on full screen output.* Brush: Engine: Web Resource performance improved.* Brush: API: Sequence blend mode settable from API.* Brush: Unreal: Visibility param will be created for all unreal actor types.* Brush: Mapping: FFD Modifier: Control point interpolation between corners can be disabled.* Brush: Timeline: Transport Events. Default of "animate speed" clip property is set to "off".* Brush: Mapping: Change control point selection with keyboard input.* Brush: API: Add internal resource and set or get clip playmode added.* Brush: Timeline: Timeline opacity animation added.* Brush: Audio: Add AudioPort if max channel count in settings is larger than AudioPort count in project.* Brush: API: Change video stream active state from api.* Brush: Timeline: Fade to Time: New mode "Dip to Black".* Brush: Resources: Text resource: Default font changed.* Brush: Resources: Icon in resource tree showing current states: Normal, file missing, tasks running.* Brush: Timeline: Auto fade buttons in button bar.* Brush: Screens: Existing screen 3d objects can be reloaded or replaced.* Brush: Control: Monitoring from Pixera API available in Control.* Brush: Control: Control modules can be reached from Pixera API Json input (via both TCP and HTTP underlying protocols).* Brush: Control: Portal module uses more secure password hashing algorithm.* Brush: Control: Instance paths can be separated by slashes instead of periods (allowing resource path specification).* Brush: Control: More robust device name management (safe and unique names enforced on entry).* Brush: Settings: Recent projects list.* Brush: Mapping: Added linear interpolation to FFD Modifier as an option.* Brush: Resource: User settable standard content directory.* Brush: Timeline: Clip/Event Multiselection. "Ctrl + Drag" conserves pre-selected clips/events.* Brush: Studio Camera: Fov factor visualization. Fov factor scales background target resolution if enabled.* Brush: Timeline: Timeline Library. Create new timeline via double click below last timeline node.* Brush: Resources: Resource details in table next to library tree.* Brush: Timeline: Dominant Values. Right click context menu.* Brush: Timeline: Undo- and redoability of timeline properties that are editable via inspector.* Brush: Timeline: New jump cue mechanism to ensure seemless jump.* Brush: Automatic softedge generation does not always delete existing elements.* Brush: API: Studio camera and perspective transformation settable via direct api.* Brush: API: Timeline SMPTE mode get/set.* Brush: Control: Text selection and scrolling in script editor is possible again* Brush: Control: Fix saving of calendar actions. (Do not lose previously created actions)* Brush: Control: Improve datatypes of Script Builder. Do not create a string all the time.* Brush: Control: Fix Monitor Label.* Brush: Resources: Resources in tree can be sorted by details table columns.* Brush: GUI: Last window position and size is restored on startup* Brush: Timeline: Jump Cues. Preload time now editable in general settings.* Brush: Timeline: Cues. Only Play-Cues apply potentially set wait duration.* Brush: Control: UI Builder edit bar no longer overlays API menus.* Brush: Control: UI Builder API menus draggable.* Brush: Control: Connection presentation mechanism in node UI.* Brush: API: JSON UDP sink added.* Brush: Project: Compatibility of projects created in Pixera version 1.4 improved.* Brush: Project: Backup copy of project file is created if project was last saved in different Pixera version.* Brush: Timeline: Layer unit scale values for "fit", "fill" and "stretch" are based on size of perspective.* Brush: Timeline: Changing layer origin to "Absolute" and adapting layer offset is offered to user when editing perspective for the first time and if layers using this perspective as origin exist.* Brush: Workspace: Grid can be enabled in inner compositing.* Brush: API: Option to include all live systems in heartbeat.* Brush: API: Live system (i.e. client) shutdown.* Brush: Timeline: Playback of videos with embedded audio.* Brush: Timeline: NDI Audio input usable.* Brush: DMX: Blend to cue usable with DMX input.* Brush: Timeline: Transport events in free loop clips.* Brush: Timeline: Playback speed can be animated.* Brush: Timeline: Data Layer Perspective2D: Changing perspective in preview creates dominant values.* Brush: Control: Image and Multibutton controls added to UI Builder.* Brush: Control: Network and protocol utility libraries reworked.* Brush: Control: Explicit integer value mode for sliders in UI Builder.* Brush: API: Several new API functions added.* Brush: Avio: Pixera2Avio updated.* Brush: API: Several new API functions added.* Brush: Avio: Pixera2Avio updated.* Brush: Control: Node slot styles introduced.* Brush: Control: More detailed and relevant action script error logging.* Brush: DMX: Control data can be sent together with color values.* Brush: API: Transcoding of resources controlable via API.* Brush: GUI: Projectors with colored frustum/feed rect.* Brush: Mapping: Footprint of selected warpmesh will be displayed in AutoTransformation window.* Brush: Mapping: Ideal feed rect default changed.* Brush: Resources: Replace multiple resources by searching the filesystem.* Brush: Resources: Replace multiple resources dialog brushed.* Brush: GUI: Projectors: Shaded frustum can be turned off.* Brush: Resources: Mipmap generation can be enabled for resources.* Brush: Settings: Engine settings editable.* Brush: Notch: Preload notch blocks on media layer permanently.* Brush: Engine: Cef version changed to 89.0.4389.72* Brush: Resource: Inspector layout for Unreal resources brushed.* Brush: Resource: Faster import of image sequences if only dedicated images exist in folder.* Brush: GUI: GUI performance increased during start up and project load.* Brush: Timeline: Looped Clips: Inpoint and Outpoint changes via Inspector are applied directly.* Brush: Color Correction: Tone mapping available.* Brush: Unreal: Visibility of objects for Unreal instance controlable depending on usage in background or foreground.* Brush: Live Input: Deltacast SDI Input: Deinterlacing mode settable.* Brush: Control: Timelines sub-tab offered in Control tab if timeline display is active.* Brush: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Node position changed by user is saved.* Brush: Timeline: Looped Clips. Fast Forward via Slider.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: All nodes visible also for many (100+) nodes. Disabled mappings are connected using darker dotted lines.* Fix: Control: Pixera API namespaces that do not have Control bindings removed from Pixera module.* Fix: GUI: Possible crash after running Pixera a long time in Settings or Control tab fixed.* Fix: Engine: Possible problems avoiding engine startup fixed.* Fix: Engine: Possible problems avoiding engine startup fixed.* Fix: GUI: Possible crash after running Pixera a long time in Settings or Control tab fixed.* Fix: GUI: Timeline view was reset by change of timeline FPS. Fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Outdated output assignment on active screens. Fixed.* Fix: Control: Changing action order no longer clears attribute value fields.* Fix: GUI: Possible multi selection problems in library tree fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Selection interacts with tree and workspace selection.* Fix: Unreal: Networking: Fixed not dismissing unreal instance from unconnected service properly.* Fix: Resource: Deltacast live input: Interface and video standard selection available again.* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio files were not played anymore. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Changíng Clip Params (speed, ...) of free looped clips does not lead to restart of video anymore.* Fix: GUI: Scrollbar visible again in inspector for Unreal worlds, UI not cut off at the right edge anymore.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant values created in inspector can now be reset via keyboard shortcut "esc".* Fix: GUI: Scrollbar not hidden anymore in tree/table combinations.* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer now always created completely when dropping VR resource on timeline structure pane, clips pane or preview screen.* Fix: Timeline: Fixed crash that appeared during layer parameter editing via Inspector.* Fix: Color Correction: Crashes avoided when color correction stashes were deleted (e.g. setting background of studio camera to inactive).* Fix: Color Correction: Inspector was updated correctly when selection moves between projectors.* Fix: Control: More API selection menu formatting fixes.* Fix: Video Playback: Incorrect HAP cropping behaviour fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Current time changes via arrow keys fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Resizing of multiple layers via shift+drag works also for newly created layer.* Fix: Timeline: Crash avoided when changing screen resolution component x or y from 0 to an arbitrary number with fixed aspect ratio.* Fix: Timeline: Wording in timeline export dialog corrected.* Fix: Warping: Ffd control point mouse interpretation in 2D mode corrected so that selected points are always draggable.* Fix: Timeline: Fixed possible crash when launching timeline export dialog.* Fix: Timeline: Negative clip speed now works for locked to time and free run play modes.* Fix: Control: Center placement of control inspector disable to avoid layouting issues (centering will be reintroduced in a later version).* Fix: GUI: Display of all panes ensured after restart of Pixera if warping UI was maximized at close.* Fix: Direct API: Rotation interpretation corrected.* Fix: Vioso: Warp setup dialog can be reloaded even if not all entries (project, warp file) were previously used. Manually set warp files do not add up in engine.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based input/output routing does not show preview mappings anymore.* Fix: Timeline: Domination Values: Redo/Undo fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Key Movement. Locking unintentionally switched to "vertically locked" for small mouse movement in y-direction. Fixed.* Fix: Screens: Inverted UV Sphere winding order and flipped texture coordinates.* Fix: Live Input: Live input preview led to full cpu usage in some situations. Fixed.* Fix: Engine: Engine reset fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Selection issues (clips vs. layers) when editing clip properties in inspector. Bug fixed.* Fix: Live Input: Preview: Streams are qualified with ip address to avoid collisions between multiple standalone machines in the same network.* Fix: Unreal: Unreal Engine executable did not launch on clients. Bug fixed.* Fix: Unreal: Texture streaming into Unreal Engine with multiple screens fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues did not work for Compositing Layers. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dropping resource folder on timeline in matrix view. Unintentionally each selected resource created two clips. Fixed.* Fix: API: Suppress engine updates from GUI when screen transformation is controlled from DirectAPI.* Fix: Mapping: Surface control point snapping to transformed screens corrected.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Service nodes loosing connections after creating new outputs.* Fix: Unreal: Unreal Engine executable did not launch on clients. Bug fixed.* Fix: Unreal: Texture streaming into Unreal Engine with multiple screens fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues did not work for Compositing Layers. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dropping resource folder on timeline in matrix view. Unintentionally each selected resource created two clips. Fixed.* Fix: API: Suppress engine updates from GUI when screen transformation is controlled from DirectAPI.* Fix: Mapping: Surface control point snapping to transformed screens corrected.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Service nodes loosing connections after creating new outputs.* Fix: Unreal: Controlling plug in parameters from timeline fixed.* Fix: Control: Possible copy & paste error in UI-Builder fixed.* Fix: Resource: Fixed possible crash or freeze during inter layer clip movement.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Several fixes of displayed connections after service or display device changes.* Fix: Timeline: Compositing layer parameters are now applied correctly.* Fix: Studio Camera: Set extension latency fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera: Set extension blur fixed.* Fix: Engine : Audio: Possible crackling fixed.* Fix: Resource: Possible crash fixed when activating live input preview.* Fix: Studio Camera: Live input not hidden in preview by set extension.* Fix: Engine: Order of screen rotation set from Direct API fixed.* Fix: Live Input : Live Input preview is now fully deactivated in engine if turned off in GUI.* Fix: Settings: Automatic activation of full screen on startup fixed.* Fix: Unreal: Pixera Connect plug in: Unreal instances running on disconnected services will be ignored.* Fix: Mapping: Node-based I/O routing: Users can't remove connections between projectors and screens anymore. Multiple connections to same output are now possible.* Fix: Mapping: Segment count of warp meshes used for aligned feed areas settable.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport affects fx param sampler.* Fix: Projector: Set frustum look at distance fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Video export fixed.* Fix: Resource: Web resource fixed.* Fix: Resource: Reveal in explorer for image sequence fixed.* Fix: Resource: Deinterlacing for live input settable in Inspector.* Fix: DMX: Fixed not being able to input dmx start address.* Fix: Control: API access menu positioning fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Consecutive pause/stop no longer leads to incorrect button highlight state.* Fix: Timeline: Fades are stopped when timeline is stopped.* Fix: Timeline: Layer in preview window is not deselected anymore when corresponding layer* Fix: Color Correction: Possible crash when using color correction controls avoided.* Fix: Color Correction: White point reset update enforced.* Fix: Color Correction: Weight slider update enforced.* Fix: Control: Fixed copy and paste in UI Builder* Brush: Control: Pasting an element in UI Builder multiple times changes its position.* Fix: Control: Unintentional edits avoided when UI Builder is in run mode.* Fix: Control: Pressing the delete key while focus is on inspector can no longer remove elements from the UI Builder.* Fix: Control: Two dim field in UI Builder fixed.* Fix: Audio: Playback of 7.1 audio files fixed.* Fix: Resource: Resource tree and details table sync issues fixed.* Fix: Resource: Resource tree not showing up after project load fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Crash fixed when deleting multiple timelines.* Fix: Engine: CEF: Shared texture mix-up fixed. GPU selection more robust.* Fix: Timeline: Render order after timeline add/duplication was not well defined. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Duplicate timeline. Ensure correct opacity for new timelines.* Fix: Timeline: Preceding video clips visible when pure audio clips follow. Bug fixed.* Fix: Engine: CEF: Shared texture problems fixed when loading multiple instances from single resource.* Fix: Engine: Unreal: Texture coordinate error when addressing viewports fixed.* Fix: Resources: Automatic deselction of resources with active live input fixed.* Fix: Resources: Same context menu for resources in list and matrix view.* Fix: Library: Possible crash when deleting nodes fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Preceding video clips visible when pure audio clips follow. Bug fixed.* Fix: Screens: Drag values of labels were inappropriate. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Clips and cues could not be moved when key movement was locked vertically. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: Fixed selection issues in table when sorting changed.* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues. Wait cues as goal cues did not start playback after wait duration. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Negative clip speed in free loop did not work. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: Unreal: Plug in connectivity issues fixed.* Fix: Control: Crash on close when Control timer active at close fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Jumps. Clip clock reset despite of being in "Free Loop" or "Free Play Once". Fixed.* Fix: Engine: Possible crash fixed when unloading active audio streams.* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio clips did not play after preceding video clip with embedded audio.* Fix: Timeline: Audio still playing when changing clip resource to no-audio file. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: Possible crash fixed if pixel format of added resource is not recognized properly.* Fix: Services: Additionally created outputs are destroyed on project change.* Fix: Resources: Removing only unused text and mesh resources upon clicking "Remove unused"* Fix: Timeline: Insert Time. Undo/redo fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Opacity changes were not applied in some cases. Bug fixed.* Fix: GUI: Possible crash fixed when switching app modes.* Fix: Timeline: Pure audio clips did not play after preceding video clip with embedded audio.* Fix: Timeline: Audio still playing when changing clip resource to no-audio file. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Clips with finite in-point were not looped correctly in "Lock to Time" when clip duration was smaller than resource duration. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: Possible crash fixed if pixel format of added resource is not recognized properly.* Fix: Services: Additionally created outputs are destroyed on project change.* Fix: Resources: Removing only unused text and mesh resources upon clicking "Remove unused"* Fix: Timeline: Insert Time. Undo/redo fixed.* Fix: Control: Inter-host device transfer made more robust (complete action and instance path adaptation).* Fix: Control: Attribute initialization made more robust (avoids addition of unneeded meta parameters when attributes are not fully standard-conformant).* Fix: Resources: Crash when canceling resource replacement fixed.* Fix: API: CueApplied monitoring event only generated after new transport state is available for queries.* Fix: Timeline: Text Resource as Dominant Value. Text was not shown when layer had no clips but dominant resource media. Bug fixed.* Fix: GUI: Freeze fixed when dropping folder on descendant in tree.* Fix: API: CueApplied monitoring event only generated after new transport state is available for queries.* Fix: Timeline: Text Resource as Dominant Value. Text was not shown when layer had no clips but dominant resource media. Bug fixed.* Fix: GUI: Freeze fixed when dropping folder on descendant in tree.* Fix: Control: Parameter reporting visualization no longer restricted to first parameter.* Fix: GUI: Color Correction HSV. Wheel label did not update after canceling dominant value. Bug fixed.* Fix: Engine: Wrong alpha handling when using effects fixed.* Fix: API: Mesh assignment to layer fixed.* Fix: Effects: Path to default FXs in project is updated when loading project in new version.* Fix: Unreal Plugin: Rotation axis fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Fixed texture positioning for bypass warping depending on screen target mode and feed mode.* Fix: Timeline: Fade to time cross fade fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera: Foreground with Unreal Compositing Layer fixed.* Fix: Effects: Path to default FXs in project is updated when loading project in new version.* Fix: Mapping: Fixed texture positioning for bypass warping depending on screen target mode and feed mode.* Fix: Engine: Possible crash with NotchLC/HAP and multi-gpu fixed.* Fix: Video Input: List of available video modes was too short in some cases. Fixed.* Fix: Resources: Path handling for network drives adressed by IP corrected.* Fix: Resources: Preview conversion of images fixed if preview config changed by user.* Fix: Timeline: Live Input Freeze Fx fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Fx MaskRGB. Incorrect masking for directly attached clips. Fixed.* Fix: Warping: MPCDI with lower resolution than output usable.* Fix: Timeline: Cancel domination values in preview resets selection controls.* Fix: Timeline: Timeline Inspector. Nowpointer scrolling in snippet was broken when layer contained more than one clip. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Merged clips with FX parameter events fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Opacity events were created on "Store Domination" even when opacity value was not dominant. Bug fixed.* Fix: Vioso: Path to data directory corrected (File dialog did not show up).* Fix: Timeline: Record mode. Missing engine updates when moving nowpointer after creating events via layer editing in preview. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Values. Domination originating from editing layer in preview could not be canceled correctly. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Timeline Inspector. Param label were not updated when nowpointer was moved. Bug fixed.* Fix: Studio Camera: Screen output assignments corrected.* Fix: Compositing: Layer selection after origin change fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Data Layer. Changes of clip events are applied directly without the need of resetting the nowpointer.* Fix: GUI: Timeline Inspector. Fixed scrolling issues.* Fix: Control: Connections: Opening a project in older versions can no longer lead to missing connections.* Fix: Control: UI Builder: Initial value of slider is no longer sent when a switch between edit and run mode happens.* Fix: Control: UI Builder: If an empty page is requested, the UI Builder now loads the first page of the project.* Fix: Warping: Marker calibration fixed for aggregate outputs.* Fix: Timeline: Cues: Possible crash fixed when Shift+Drag is used on cue to create copy.* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues with Blend Duration. Removed unwanted black frame at blend start.* Fix: Unreal: Identification of instances not relying on hardcoded path.* Fix: Resources: Image sequence handling corrected.* Fix: Mapping: Rounding error with pixel pos and dims fixed.* Fix: API: getAssignedResource returns also resources assigned from clip.* Fix: Modifier: Control point scaling fixed.* Fix: Engine: Fixed appearing of video inputs which were active before the outputs were opened.* Fix: GUI: Inspector multi selection fixes.* Fix: Vioso: Path to data directory corrected (File dialog did not show up).* Fix: Mapping: Marker calibration: Marker position corrected for aggregate outputs.* Fix: Timeline: Cues: Possible crash fixed when Shift+Drag is used on cue to create copy.* Fix: Timeline: Jump Cues with Blend Duration. Removed unwanted black frame at blend start.* Fix: Mapping: Rounding error with pixel pos and dims fixed.* Fix: Modifier: Control point scaling fixed.* Fix: Engine: Fixed appearing of video inputs which were active before the outputs were opened.* Fix: Mapping: Projector to screen mapping: Feed rect positioning for two projectors above each other fixed.* Fix: Engine: Performance issues fixed when multiple audio tracks are used.* Fix: Modifier: Additional vertex modifiers can be removed.* Fix: Resources: Text resource: Editor uses selected font to display special characters.* Fix: Screens: External screens objects can be added by dropping a folder.* Fix: Modifier: Additional vertex modifiers can be removed.* Fix: Resources: Text resource: Editor uses selected font to display special characters.* Fix: Screens: External screens objects can be added by dropping a folder.* Fix: Mapping: Projector to screen mapping: Feed rect positioning for two projectors above each other fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Possible crash on selection change fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Initial positioning of masks fixed. Control point visualization in outer softedge corrected.* Fix: API: Pixera.Timelines.Clip.createEvent() can create Opacity events.* Fix: Screens: Crash when deleting screens fixed.* Fix: Engine: Live input initialization more robust.* Fix: Resource: Preview conversion for standard content fixed.* Fix: API: Pixera.Timelines.Clip.createEvent() can create Opacity events.* Fix: Engine: Live input initialization more robust.* Fix: Resource: Preview conversion for standard content fixed.* Fix: Resource: Resource status corrected for image sequences.* Fix: Softedge: Screen aligned mask size fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Marquee selection of multiple clips fixed.* Fix: API: Monitoring events only sent to Json Rpc and Control connections (avoids events being treated as malformed http responses).* Fix: Timeline: Cues encountered during SMPTE input no longer lead to inconsistent states between GUI and engine. Drift correction can be disabled.* Fix: Timeline: Undo timeline duration changes led to undefined behavior of output/preview. Bug fixed.* Fix: Avio: Delayed start of glue.exe to avoid problems with long pixera project load time.* Fix: Timeline: Timeline opacity. Opacity was no more editable after project load during running Pixera session. Bug fixed.* Fix: Service: Do not override existing device settings in project and ensure application if service is hibernating.* Fix: Service: Output synchronization set from device settings in project ensured.* Fix: Control: Port-Binding: Ports are bound to the default interface of pixera per default.* Fix: Control: Display a warning in Calendar if no AUX directory is available* Fix: Resources: Multiple fixes regarding selection in details table.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Loop duration of dominant videos was incorrect sometimes. Bug fixed.* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze of application fixed when mouse enters timeline.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Resource change led to wrong sampler clock ids. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant transport param. Start of old video was visible when changing dominant video resources. Fixed.* Fix: Resource: Possible crash in resource asset table fixed.* Fix: Resource: Possible crash when importing image sequences fixed.* Fix: Workspace: Rotation cube always visible after app mode change.* Fix: GUI: Detached timeline is not lost when closed in Mapping, Screens or Settings app mode.* Fix: Timeline: Cues. Stop cue fade was broken. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Next video sampler did not play while fading in. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Jump cues. Suppressing obsolete engine updates that led to non fluently running output. Fixed.* Fix: Workspace: Text selection in workspace for different text layouts corrected.* Fix: Mapping: Projector frustum rotation in warp preview fixed for screens rotated 90 degrees around Y-Axis.* Fix: Perspectives: Perspective rotation fixed for screens with normals pointing along Y-axis.* Fix: Timeline: Destination time of externally triggered (via API, Shortcuts, Next Cue-Button, ...) jump cue was incorrect. Bug fixed.* Fix: Engine: Engine freeze after fast changing seeks fixed.* Fix: Engine: HAP playback fixed for resolution sizes which are a multiple of 4 but not 8.* Fix: Engine: Notch blocks working again. Path to dll fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Outpoint Frame. Wrong frame was shown for clips with outpoint > 0 and speed != 1. Bug fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Notch: Initial values of params were not loaded completely. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: Fixed import of images from folders.* Fix: GUI: Possible freeze on application shutdown fixed.* Fix: Engine: Notch: Problems after reloading notch block fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Redundant layer unit scale factor fixed.* Fix: Perspectives: Perspective positioning for screen used as floor projection corrected.* Fix: Engine: Layer blend modes fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Default alpha blend operation set to max to avoid problems with alpha > 1 and advanved blend ops like multiply.* Fix: Workspace: Wrong direct manipulation of layers in compositing preview fixed if layer origin is set to 'Absolute'.* Fix: Timeline: Input of invalid strings (e.g. ",,,") in number labels led to crash. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: If 'Remove Unused Resources' applied to single resource command is not applied to parent folder anymore. FXs are not removed at all anymore.* Fix: Resources: Replacing image file does not change it to an image sequence if numbered files are found.* Fix: Mapping: Feed rectangle reset corrected.* Fix: Installer: Uninstall now removes shortcut in start menu.* Fix: Workspace: Only buttons of button bar intercept mouse events (not the bar itself).* Fix: Live Inputs: Initialized correctly in preview and output engines after Pixera startup.* Fix: Live Inputs: Correct thumbnail loading after Pixera startup.* Fix: GUI: Long shutdown times fixed.* Fix: Live Inputs: Live Inputs. Audio plays directly after first positioning of nowpointer over clip.* Fix: Timeline: Clip in-point is not changed while drag is still snapped.* Fix: Engine: Wrong GPU usage on multi GPU systems fixed.* Fix: Engine: Preview file generation fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Softedge background image is added to selected mapping. Mapping selection does not change for different mappimg modes.* Fix: Resources: Content transcoding fixed for projects created in Demo or Player version.* Fix: DMX: Not taking into account blendToCue param while patching.* Fix: DMX: Fixed not updating mute buttons properly and updated timeline footprint.* Fix: Timeline: Effects were sometimes applied in incorrect order. Bug fixed.* Fix: FX: Wrong premultiplied alpha handling fixed.* Fix: Timeline: When starting playback in front of a clip dominant fx video params sometimes did not play. Bug fixed.* Fix: API: Fixed methods placed in wrong namespace* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for color resources settable.* Fix: Engine: Transcoding of some videos failed. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for live input folder settable.* Fix: Mapping: Softedge background image is added to selected mapping. Mapping selection does not change for different mappimg modes.* Fix: Resources: Content transcoding fixed for projects created in Demo or Player version.* Fix: DMX: Not taking into account blendToCue param while patching.* Fix: DMX: Fixed not updating mute buttons properly and updated timeline footprint.* Fix: Timeline: Effects were sometimes applied in incorrect order. Bug fixed.* Fix: FX: Wrong premultiplied alpha handling fixed.* Fix: Timeline: When starting playback in front of a clip dominant fx video params sometimes did not play. Bug fixed.* Fix: API: Fixed methods placed in wrong namespace* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for color resources settable.* Fix: Engine: Transcoding of some videos failed. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: DMX Id for live input folder settable.* Fix: Timeline: Play cues wrongly applied blends. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resources: Duplication of ingestion folders fixed.* Fix: Engine: Projector lens distortion correction fixed.* Fix: GUI: Hang avoided when mouse moves slightly above a thin clip.* Fix: DMX: Resource assignment after project load fixed.* Fix: API: Perspective transformation via Direct API handles layer origin 'absolute' correctly.* Fix: Resources: Duplication of ingestion folders avoided.* Fix: Timeline: Play cues wrongly applied blends. Bug fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Feed rect marquee selection fixed.* Fix: Engine: Audio device enumeration fixed.* Fix: Engine: Webview loading fixed.* Fix: Engine: Free run loop error fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Playback buttons show timeline state in timelines tab.* Fix: Workspace: Preview of fade to time fixed.* Fix: Content Transcoding: UI layout fixes.* Fix: Art-Net: Art-Net output using unicast restored correctly after project load.* Fix: Art-Net: Possible rounding error in mapping fixed.* Fix: GUI: Projectors: Shaded frustum render order fixed. Shaded feed rect only for active mappings.* Fix: API: Interpretation of strings as binary data in cue output corrected.* Fix: Art-Net: Possible crash fixed when deleting Art-Net output.* Fix: Transcoding: Wrong fps for image sequence transcoding fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when assigning an output to an active screens.* Fix: Services: Wrong (de)activation of NDI output streams fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Possible crash fixed when source feed rect selection changes.* Fix: API: Opacity now accessible via Compound.set/getValue().* Fix: Live Input: NDI live input is reconnected correctly when stream disapperas and appears again.* Fix: DMX: Layer footprint corrected.* Fix: Mapping: Wrong projector flipping in in Warp, Softedge or Marker Calibration window fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Looped Clips: Conserving time when switching into dominant transport, e.g. click "Pause" on transport node.* Fix: Multi User: Local system can no longer discover itself as a multi-user participant.* Fix: Calibration: Automatic updates of marker calibration not working after deleting control points fixed.* Fix: Mapping: Screen feeds only selectable in workspace for screen dived in.* Fix: Engine: Mappings to output always write to depth buffer.* Fix: Timeline: Looped Clips. Conserving time when switching into dominant transport, e.g. click "Pause" on transport mode. Finished. Bug fixed.* Fix: Resource: Color resources are now transformed to the current intermediate color space (they previously could be rendered in linear space without gamma uncompanding).* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Transport. Pressing Stop Button of Transport Node Did Not Reset Video to Frame 0. Fixed.* Fix: Timeline: Dominant Transport. Reset over Paused Free Loop Clip Starts Playback at Wrong Frame. Fixed.* Fix: Resource: Single image will not be recognized as image sequence.* Fix: Resource: Compositing resources do not loose properties on reload.* Fix: Mapping: Softedge: Ensure consistent soft edge export.* Fix: Engine: Seeking in video files for interlaced videos fixed.* Fix: Resources: Distribute to all Clients button available for all resources that have assets.* Fix: Mapping: Maximized aux engine was not visible on first toogle. Bug fixed 2ff7e9595c

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